The island of Nevis is circa 11.3 km (c. 7 miles) long by circa 8.0 km (c. 5 miles) wide and is circa 93 sq km (c. 36 sq miles) in total area: The circa 985.1 meter (c. 3232 feet) dormant volcano, Nevis Peak, in the center of the island, makes for orographic rainfall and diverse habitats as well as some very good hiking.

Early 20th and 21st century checklists and identification guides have combined the bird species known to the two geographically and ecologically separate and distinct islands of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis because they have historically been parts of artificially conjoined political or administration units. The Nevis Ornithological Society (The NOS) has taken on the task or re-documenting all of the bird species to be found on the island of Nevis without co-mingling data or including data from the geographically and ecologically separate and distinct island of St. Christopher (St. Kitts). To that end, please report all bird species seen on Nevis, particularly those less common or not known to Nevis, to the Records Committee of The Nevis Ornithological Society (The NOS), c/o Mark Michael Ludlow at or . Include a brief report to include: date, time, location, species description, as well as any documenting photographs or use our Contact section. The folding cardstock Checklist of the Birds of Nevis, West Indies (Ludlow 2011) should be available for purchase at The Hamilton Museum of The Nevis Historical & Conservation Society, Charlestown, Nevis, and at select hotels and resorts throughout Nevis.

Welcome to the adventure! Welcome to Nevis! Queen of the Caribbees!